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Scroll down to learn about my corporate partnerships, including workshops and programming, facilitated dialogue, and consultation for diverse audiences on topics related to diverse employee mental health/well-being; anti-racism; gender equity; and equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Uniquely, my trainings are based in scientific theories, principles of behavior change, and multicultural research, while maintaining commitment to social justice.


If you’re interested in my services, please contact me for a free consultation! We’ll discuss your needs, and then I’ll design and deliver customized content for your organization or team. If I’m not the best fit for you, I can often refer you to someone who likely is.

Fees and Pricing 

Varies depending on your needs and your own business model. Happy to discuss!






My engagements acknowledge our realistic starting points: our beliefs around race, gender, and hierarchies (and colonialism and other related systems) are deeply embedded in each of us and these beliefs impact how we view mental health and well-being and how we (under)value ourselves and each other. My goal is not only for participants to gain awareness and knowledge, but to change behaviors to better support themselves and our diverse communities. 

To change behaviors, I use science and compassion. Because biased behaviors are not necessarily in our awareness, I often incorporate scientific studies on how implicit biases impede our growth. And uniquely, I use scientific theories of behavior change and evidence-based methods for learning, including modeling and experiential and interactive activities (we can’t learn to ride a bike from an instruction manual). And I do this all using a social justice framework to ensure marginalized voices are centered. 


Bottom line, my ultimate goal of behavior change looks like folks better understanding and using anti-racist and anti-oppressive skills. This includes underrepresented folx prioritizing their own well-being and mental health. If I support anyone's journey in this direction, I sleep better at night. 


Common audiences are employee resource groups / community resource groups / business resource groups / affinity groups, EDI task forces or committees, and entire small companies or teams or orgs who are concerned about burn out. Common topics include

  • Managing your mental health and wellness: Break through the stigma 

  • Coping with racial trauma and stress

  • Asian American/Pacific Islander mental health

  • Women’s mental health

  • BIPOC mental health

Business People Applauding
People During Workshop

Common audiences are teams, orgs, management teams, and leadership teams or entire small companies in any industry. Commonly requested session topics or engagements include

  • Anti-racism

  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion: The basics

  • Leadership modeling EDI values-based behavior

  • Upskilling managers: Managing with EDI in mind

  • Microaggressions/racial abuse: Increasing understanding and working toward prevention and intervention

  • Depending on my availability, I may be able to conduct brief or comprehensive EDI needs assessments for your organization. 


"Alone we can do so little;

together we can do so much."

– Helen Keller

How do I know what my team needs?

Here are some questions to ask yourselves to help determine what you all are looking for from a consultant. 

  1. Who is your audience? More specifically, is it a specific community (e.g., an employee resource group)? How much awareness of this topic do they already have? Have they been presented with this type of workshop/engagement before, and if so, how did it land? 

  2. Do you want a workshop to be more facilitation-of-group-discussion or teaching/information-dissemination or a mix of both? If you want a mix, what percentage do you want of discussion vs. teaching? 

  3. Do you want a single speaker engagement (i.e., one 1-hour workshop) or a series of engagements? 

  4. Did your intended audience request this work? How do you know? Were systematic surveys conducted? How were pulse checks conducted? 

  5. Logistics: timelines and scheduling, length of engagement, compensation/budget, size of your audience, virtual or in-person engagement, travel costs, etc.

  6. What is your goal of this engagement? In other words, what is your ideal outcome after the engagement is over? How will you know it was worth it?

Image by Christina @

© 2025 by Kelly H. Koo, Ph.D.

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