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individual clinician consultation

Scroll down to learn more about the services I provide to support my fellow clinicians to provide therapy to diverse communities with cultural humility, in an equitable and inclusive way.

Key features of my services involve compassionate and critical self reflection AND skill-building to take action to support anti-oppressive systems.

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1:1 clinician consultation

We clinicians often don’t receive the in-depth training needed to address systemic oppression in our clinical practice. And even if I’m preaching to the choir (you), the choir needs practice too (including me!).


If you’re a therapist, receive clinical consultation on how to provide culturally responsive care, with cultural humility. This commonly involves as many as needed, 1:1 45-minute consultation meetings between you, the clinician, and me, the consultant. We discuss the specifics of the case(s). We also though, explore your own identities and role(s) that may be contributing to any therapy interfering behaviors, in the spirit of self awareness, from a cultural humility framework.

Therapy Office

"Guest therapist," Dr. Koo

In this consultation service, I sit in on 1-3 sessions with you, the therapist, and the therapy client and provide my services directly to the client, with you present to observe. This commonly results in the following outcomes:


The therapeutic approaches to addressing the multicultural need(s) of the client with cultural humility is modeled for the therapist


The client receives the needed service, propelling their treatment forward


The client receives the message that their therapist cares about these topics and is human and can learn too


It often brings the therapist and client closer together, strengthening the therapeutic alliance

1:1 Anti-racist coaching: Behaving without bias

What is it?

Dig deeper into your implicit racial biases, your racial identity history, and the role of race in your relationships. You'll learn how the repercussions of systemic racism directly impact today’s world, how you see people who are different and the same, and the choices you’ve made throughout your life. Learn how these biases are impacting your work and your professional (and personal) relationships. And with empathy, learn what you can do differently, while consulting on specific cases in your profession.

Intended Audience
  • Psychotherapists, teachers, physicians, nurses, or other healthcare providers who can commit to 3 or 6 months of weekly engagement

  • Focused invitation to white-identified individuals in these professions who identify as liberal and/or progressive and want to deeply examine their unintentional racist beliefs and actions and want to align their actions with their values of anti-racism. Commonly addressed themes: shame, guilt, mistrust, anxiety, pain, connection, feeling paralyzed, and action

Psychologist Session

Fees will reflect the expectation that Dr. Koo will be the unintended target of racial microaggressions, as questions about race and racism will understandably arise.

anti-racist clinician coaching

© 2024 by Kelly H. Koo, Ph.D.

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