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I provide a variety of workshops and trainings for my fellow clinicians and professionals in healthcare and other helping fields on serving diverse communities with cultural humility and equity and inclusion.


Key features of this service involves compassionate and critical self reflection AND skill-building to take action to support anti-oppressive systems.

These sessions can range from a single one-hour or full-day workshop to a series of engagements. I'm flexible.

Support Group

My trainings are science-based, social justice-informed, and emotion-focused.

Addressing social identity is inherently personal and involves our emotions (including my own). And so, rather than avoid them, I compassionately incorporate the natural human emotions that arise. As a clinical psychologist, I can manage these emotions with expertise and care. And importantly, as a lifelong social justice advocate, I incorporate the impacts of privilege and power differentials (and historical and current contexts and systems) to center the voices and experiences of marginalized communities. 

I also incorporate scientific evidence on the impacts of implicit bias on behavior and design my content using theories of behaviorism, so that modeling and experiential and interactive activities are used to help sequentially build awareness and skills. With 15 years of feedback, I continue to be committed to iteratively adapting content to meet the evolving needs of diverse communities. 

For the clinical folks: I use a cultural humility framework (Tervalon & Murray-Garcia, 1998), with an ACT approach. Meaning, I use a functional behaviorist framework to our natural avoidance of aversive emotions and mindfulness and values-directed action to develop and practice skills. 

Support Group



  • Cultural humility vs. multicultural competence in clinical care

  • Enacting anti-racism: Broaching race, racial identity, and racism in clinical care

  • Addressing microaggressions in clinical care: Accountability for your role in prevention and intervention

  • Impact of your and clients' identities on clinical care: Understanding privilege and power

  • Addressing implicit bias in clinical care

© 2025 by Kelly H. Koo, Ph.D.

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